Saturday, July 17

July events at the Morton Library


Summer reading is still going strong! We still have a lot of fun online activities for all ages.

For adults, we have Blue Feather Bakery and fun crafts to make.

For Tweens/Teens, we have Who's Tail is it Anyway? Trivia.

We have lots of Preschool Story Times, the Hattiesburg Zoo, and the Mississippi Aquarium!

These are all great virtual events that you can enjoy as a family.

Our in-house Family Story Time is July 8 at 5 p.m. Be sure to go to our online calendar to register for this event or call the library at 601-732-6288.

The link to register is below.

We are still having take-home crafts each week to pick up at the library so there is no excuse to be bored this summer, we've got something for everyone! 

There is always something to enjoy at the Library!

Wednesday, July 7

Online Resources Available at Your Fingertips

 In our mission to ensure we have free and easy to access resources for our patrons, we have online tools available to help students, teachers, job seekers, and many others. We have online tools from test prep to world books online, and if you do not see what you are looking for on our website then one of our librarians will be happy to help direct you in the right direction.

Highlighted Online Tools

ACT and Other Test Prep Resources

From the ACT to the ASVAB test we have you covered with practice tests to study guides. Some may require you to log in with your library card and pin.


If you are needing to write a research paper here is the tool for you. Magnolia provides a large collection of newspapers, periodicals, reference books, journals, etc.

Mississippi DMV Practice Tests 
This DMV tool gives you access to practice tests if you needing your permit or driver's license. It also provides tests and manuals for cars, CDL, and motorcycles.

Job Resources 
By going to this tool you will see many links that will take you to websites to find jobs or books about how to find a job.

By using your library card to log in you will have access to 5 free music downloads a week and stream playlists for 3 hours each day.

Rocket Languages 

Needing to learn a new language for work or just for fun? Rocket Languages offers 15 different languages including American Sign Language.