Monday, May 23

Mississippi Encyclopedia


It is eight o’clock at night when your child informs you that they have an assignment due on a famous Mississippian, what do you do?! Use the Mississippi Encyclopedia Online Source! It is your one-stop shopping for all things Mississippi! Your  A to Z guide!

Slugburgers? What is that? A thin meat pattie, on a bun with chopped onion, pickles, and mustard.

Sounds like Krystal burger but read the article and watch the video and you decide!

ShooFly Decks?

I want one now but I don't have a tree big enough in my yard!

Beah Richards? She was an award-winning actress! Her career was over 50 years, in television, movies, and plays!

So on one hot and humid summer afternoon, go to the website and poke around!