For so many people, Valentine's Day is a special day to remind the one(s) you care for that you love them.
We can usually express this affection with the following items:
Roses. Can't go wrong with roses. Stick with red roses. It's easier.
Chocolates. Any kind of chocolates will do as long as they come in a box.
Valentine's Day card expressing your devotion for the one you love.
Dinner reservations at a restaurant where the meal is prepared in front of you or brought to you by a waiter or waitress.
Optional: A musical stuffed animal that lights up and sings "Doctor, doctor give me the news. I've got a bad case of loving you," by Robert Palmer.
For others, Valentine's Day takes on a more sinister meaning. For example, it's a day many people hope to finalize a divorce proceeding or take the first husband or wife back to court to see about getting that restraining order removed.
Needless to say, Valentine's Day is an annual tradition and a boost to the local merchants and the economy.
I don't pretend to understand the intricacies of modern relationships, and I don't pretend to be Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli or "The Fonz," but there is a little advice I would have wanted to give my 18-year-old self when I first entered the dating arena:
-Avoid life-draining or toxic relationships.
-It's always good to have a background check done on your friend or intimate acquaintance.
-When searching for a suitable companion, take a look at their political affiliation, religion, education level, cultural background, marital status and age.
-Also take a look at their addictions: smoking habits, drinking habits, illegal drug habits and gambling habits.
-Ask if they are family-oriented or career-oriented. You can learn a lot from this question. You can also save a lot of time and money and effort.
-Social skills, something I was very much lacking at the time, are essential and take years or decades, for some people to develop.
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!
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