Tuesday, August 24

Introducing our new eBook/Audiobook app cloudLibrary


We apologize for any inconvenience, but Axis360 is no longer available. Please download our new free service, cloudLibrary. Enjoy eBooks and Audiobooks on your electronic devices.* 

You can scan the QR code with your smart device, or go to Your cloudLibrary to sign up. You will need your library card number and pin to start this service. 

Compatible Devices:


Avid listener said...

So no more audiobooks? That is extremely disappointing!

C.Brown said...

Good morning,

cloudLibrary provides access to both eBooks and Audiobooks. We are not removing anything, just changing platforms in which they are located.

Unknown said...

Why do all audio books on the new platform say available in 16 days?

C.Brown said...

Those books are either already checked out by someone else or they haven't yet been added to our collection. Thank you for your comment.

Anonymous said...

The eBooks and eAudiobooks from Axis 360 will be moving over into cloudLibrary on September 22nd throughout the day. There will be more available titles in cloudLibrary than Axis 360 had. Download "cloudLibrary" from your respective app store or using the web version (https://ebook.yourcloudlibrary.com/library/CentralMississippiRegionalLS/Featured), login using your library card number and PIN, and get started today!