Thursday, January 25

Meet Our Team - Olga Frikha (Richland Public Library)


Olga Frikha | Circulation Clerk | Richland Public Library

Olga has been a part of CMRLS for 5 months. Welcome to the CMRLS family, Olga! 

Here's more from Olga:

1. What is your favorite part of working in the library?

I enjoy craft nights, book displays, and signing together with kid's songs for Story Time.

2. Was there a book that made you love reading?

Wizard of Oz. (translated into the Russian language) Wizard of Emerald City. I was 8-9 years old. As a child, once after watching one of the documentaries about the Russian royal family's relatives, and vassals, I learned that it was very prestigious to have your own library. Each owner had the seal of his name, and each book had a number, and there was the signature of the owner of the book. Books were also decorated with precious stones made of birch bark, leather, or other materials. Only men could be librarians at that time and had to know many languages and have a lot of knowledge.

3. Tell us one e-resource you wish more people knew about.

World Book Online, (Mississippi) Driver’s Education Program Practice Tests, Freegal.

4. What do you like to do when you're not at the library?

I like to travel, meet new people from different countries, and learn about their cultures. I enjoy free time outdoors with my kids and exploring nature around our neighboring states.

5. What is your idea of the perfect vacation?

Away from civilization with no phone, no relatives or family, on an uninhabited island with spa services on the beach...
P.S.: Maybe some Pina Colada or Mojito ;)

6. What is your favorite holiday?

Easter and New Year.

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