Wednesday, April 17

Mugshots Trivia

Mugshots Trivia, an exciting contest where patrons gather to test their intellectual skills, meets at Mugshots Restaurant in Flowood, MS once a month, every third Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. to play for Mugshots Restaurant gift cards.

First prize winner will receive a $15 gift card. Second prize winner will receive a $10 gift card. Third prize winner receives a $5 gift card. Fourth prize winner will receive the satisfaction of playing the game while eating good quality food.

As for myself I receive practice in front of a live audience with my public speaking skills. Don't worry. Unlike some of the generals and colonels I knew in the Army, I try to speak well and say something. I try not to waste time and I get to the point.

People gather for the free family fun and with a coupon enjoy free Rotel Dip.

Mugshots Trivia is a library outreach program. It can be a challenging game to play for patrons, but it is also a challenging game to prepare for.

I am one of two branch managers with the responsibility of providing a reasonably challenging trivia game that is both intellectually stimulating and fun.

On my team I have a trivia gamemaster available to assist me in preparing the questions. These questions are often seasonal. For example, last night the theme was Easter, so Easter-related questions were asked. I never knew the Easter Bunny originated in Germany. I review these questions to determine the level of difficulty. I don't want anything too hard or too easy. Everyone needs a reasonable chance of getting the question correct.

The trivia questions are incorporated on a Power Point slide presentation to be displayed on a monitor. It's easier if people can read the questions.

I take a voice amplifier speaker system and attach it to my belt. The Loft, where the game is played, can be noisy with people talking downstairs and music and sports games playing in the background. I also tend to be soft spoken.

"Testing, Testing." The patrons give me a thumbs up letting me know they can hear me.

Then the game begins.

I ask the questions and give everyone time to answer on a slip of paper. I gather the slips of paper and hand them to my assistant. She compiles the score.

At the end of the game we generally know who the winners are. But, sometimes we have a tie and have to have a Bonus Round of questions. First team to get a question right wins.

At the end of the contest people continue with their meals and enjoy the Mugshots Restaurant atmosphere. I pack up my belongings and start to move towards the exit. As I leave the Loft I talk to a few people, but I want to leave everyone to enjoy their meals.

It is astounding that we can get so many people out on a Tuesday night to come and test their intellectual prowess.

A question comes to mind on what we can do to grow this program further.

Should we offer bigger prizes? Should we change the location? Should I ask Miss Mississippi to come and read the questions?

We continue to look for new and innovative ways for our patrons to enjoy their Tuesday evenings at Mugshots Restaurant.

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