Tuesday, May 5

Fun at Home

So, here we are. Day #?, I do not even remember.  One thing I do know is that we miss our library kids. Some we see on a more regular basis than we do our own family. At Magee, our Branch Manager Frances Meadows tells us that she wants the people that come in the library to feel like family when they leave.

That made me think about how I am spending my time at home with my family.  We have spent time together playing games. Board games and cards are our favorites. When we do, two things always happen. We smile and we laugh. Sometimes, we laugh a lot! This has made me remember the times that I spent as a child playing games with my family. Good memories to have.

As you try to find things to do during your time at home, how about playing games with your family? Maybe you will find out who is most competitive or silliest or something you never knew? Board games, cards, make up your own, just spend some time playing. Hopefully, you will have as much fun as I am having with my family.

When this is over, we look forward to seeing all of our library "family" again. Maybe we can talk Frances in to hosting a whole day of games? I know that will be fun!

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