Friday, May 3

Meet Our Team - Rachel Hood (G. Chastaine Flynt Memorial Library - Flowood)


Rachel Hood | Circulation Supervisor | Flowood Public Library

Rachel has been a part of CMRLS for 16 1/2 years! 

Here's more from Rachel:

1. What is your favorite part of working in the library?

My favorite part of working in the library is helping patrons with their needs, whether it be finding a book or information on a database.

2. Was there a book that made you love reading?

Ransom by Julie Garwood started my love for reading. It is a wonderful historical romance book set in the highlands of Scotland.

3. Tell us one e-resource you wish more people knew about.

Heritage Quest is a great resource for helping people look up their ancestors. Find out all about it in our Virtual Reference Collection at

4. What do you like to do when you're not at the library?

Hang out with my family, play a game on my phone, or read a book.

5. What is your idea of the perfect vacation?

I would really love to on a Caribbean Cruise and see the scenic wonders of the Caribbean.

6. What is your favorite holiday?

Fourth of July is my favorite holiday! I love fireworks and barbecues. It's also the day America declared independence and became a free nation.

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