Sunday, December 10

Meet Our Team - Qua Evans (Forest Public Library)


Qua Evans | Circulation Supervisor | Forest Public Library

Qua has been with CMRLS for 3 years. 

Here's more from Qua:

1. What is your favorite part of working in the library?

I like to see how the community gravitates towards the library. It's like a safe place for them.

2. Was there a book that made you love reading?

The name of the book is The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. I read it in fifth grade and enjoyed the thrill this mystery novel gave me.

3. Tell us one e-resource you wish more people knew about.

Flipster! *Flipster®, the next-gen digital newsstand now offers content across all of your favorite devices. Click here for help getting started with Flipster.

4. What do you like to do when you're not at the library?

I enjoy spending time with my best friends and doing whatever activity we've planned. It's guaranteed to be a lot of laughs and fun.

5. What is your idea of the perfect vacation?

My ideal vacation would be somewhere quiet with cool weather. A place full of activities and serene places to relax.

6. What is your favorite holiday?

Halloween/Thanksgiving, mainly because of the weather.

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