Thursday, February 15

Meet Our Team - Austin Gamblin (Brandon Public Library)


Austin Gamblin | Circulation Supervisor | Brandon Public Library

Austin has been a part of CMRLS for 4 1/2 years! 

Here's more from Austin:

1. What is your favorite part of working in the library?

I enjoy helping patrons find books to read or helping them find new authors to read they have never tried.

2. Was there a book that made you love reading?

When I was in the fifth grade, teachers would take the class to the library to check out books. It was towards the end of our session when we were leaving that I checked out Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Ronald Dahl. Though I casually picked it out, I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I spent nearly every moment reading it repeatedly until I had to turn it back in. I had checked out books before but I think that book was the true start of my love of reading and libraries.

3. Tell us one e-resource you wish more people knew about.

I wish more people knew about Hoopla and Cloud Library to read and listen to the ebooks and audiobooks that we have in our digital collection.

I also wish more people knew more about our Inter Library Loan program so that they could know that even if  it's not in our system, there are alternative ways to find the items they wish to find.

4. What do you like to do when you're not at the library?

I enjoy playing SWTOR and World of Warcraft. I also like reading and writing.

5. What is your idea of the perfect vacation?

Relaxing at home.

6. What is your favorite holiday?


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