Thursday, January 18

Meet Our Team - Marie Jordan (Pearl Public Library)


Marie Jordan | Youth Services Supervisor | Pearl Public Library

Marie has been a part of CMRLS for over 2 1/2 years! 

Here's more from Marie:

1. What is your favorite part of working in the library?

Working in the library enables me to use my creative side. I enjoy creating displays of our books, but the goal is not just to make it look good. The goal of a display is appealing to as many children as possible and catching their eyes in a way which makes them stop and not only scan the titles, but browse the books. If I’ve done that part of my job well, then hopefully they’ll check out a book or two and develop a love for reading. 😊

2. Was there a book that made you love reading?

That’s a loaded question! There are so many. I adored reading when I was little. I would sit outside under my Daddy’s pecan tree and read for hours! My favorites were the Little House books, Caddie Woodlawn, and Nancy Drew mysteries. Even then I got creative. I would use sticks and rocks to build the characters and settings. I made a pretty impressive little house in the big woods!

3. Tell us one e-resource you wish more people knew about.

My current favorite resource is our Learning Express Library. Not only does it have practice work and tests for students, it also gives information for college prep, college entrances, etc.
It is a gold mine for patrons - for free! 

4. What do you like to do when you're not at the library?

Honestly, just spend time in my home and with my family. 

5. What is your idea of the perfect vacation?

I hope one day to visit Italy with my husband. That would be a dream come true! 

6. What is your favorite holiday?

Christmas. I love celebrating the birth of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His blessings are abundant, and Christmas offers so many opportunities to celebrate my greatest blessing, my family.

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